UNDYING コーディの基本スキル 説明英文


コーディースキル(Basic Skills)

バージョン 0.5



Tool Bench

Assist: Tool Bench

Cody can help with crafting at the Tool Bench.

  • Cody learns to craft 3 times at the Tool Bench

Craft: Tool Bench

Cody can craft at the Tool Bench by himself.

  • Cody helps with crafting 10 times at the Tool Bench

Craft: Slingshot

Cody can craft a slingshot.

  • Cody crafts 3 bats(バット) by himself
  • Cody crafts 12 iron plates(鉄板) by himself
  • Cody crafts 3 cloth strips(布地) by himself

Craft: Iron pellet

Cody can make more lethal pellets for a slingshot.

  • Cody crafts 2 slingshots(スリングショット/パチンコ) by himself
  • Cody crafts 4 metal parts(金属部品) by himself

Craft: Flour pellet

Cody can make flour pellets for a slingshot that can disorientate groups of enemies.

  • Cody crafts 3 iron projectiles(鉄の弾) by himself
  • Cody crafts 5 flours(小麦粉) by himself

Craft: Genius

Cody can craft a magnetic robot that can absorb iron shavings from the ground. (地面からスクラップを集める事ができるロボット?)

  • (未開放のため不明)

Food Bench

Assist with cooking: Food

Cody can help with cooking at the Food Bench.

  • Cody learns to craft 10 times at the Food Bench

Cook: Food Bench

Cody can cook at the Food Bench by himself.

  • Cody helps at the Food Bench for 20 times

Assist with cleaning water:

Cody can help cleaning water at Food Bench.

  • Cody learns to purify water 6 times at the Food Bench

Cleaning water: Food Bench

Cody can clean water at the Food Bench by himself.

  • Cody helps with water purification 10 times at the Food Bench

Med Bench

Assist: Med Bench

Cody can help with making meds at the Med Bench.

  • Cody learns to craft 10 times at the Med Bench

Making meds: Med Bench

Cody can make meds at the Med Bench by himself.

  • Cody helps with crafting 20 times at the Med Bench

Recycle Bench

Assist with Dismantling(解体・分解):

Cody can help with disassembling at the Recycle Bench.

  • Cody learns to dismantle items 5 times

Dismantle(解体・分解): Recycle Bench

Cody can dismantle items at the Recycle Bench by himself.

  • Cody helps with dismantling items 30 times

Assist with Repairs(修理):

Cody can help with Repairing at the Recycle Bench.

  • Cody learns to repair items 5 times

Repair(修理): Recycle Bench

Cody can repair itmes at the Recycle Bench by himself.

  • Cody help with repairing items 20 times

Assist with enhancing(強化):

Cody can help with enhancing items at the Recycle Bench.

  • Cody learns item reinforcement(強化) 5 times

Enhance(強化): Recycle Bench

Cody can enhance items at Recycle Bench by himself.

  • Cody helps with item enhancement 10 times


Dismantle Facilities Core(?)

Cody can dismantle The Core. ("The Core"を解体? "The Core"ってなんだ?)

  • (未開放のため不明)

Expanse Facilities(?)

Cody can expands facilities with The Core.("The Core"の施設を拡張。"The Core"ってなんだ?)

  • (未開放のため不明)

Assist with Repairs:

Cody can help with repairing/upgrading(修理/アップグレード) various types of benches/storage boxes/windows/planks or bridges.

  • Cody learns to repair facilities(設備) 3 times

Repair: Facilities(設備)

Cody can repair(修理) various types of benches/storage boxes/windows/planks or bridges.

  • Cody help with repairing facilities 5 times

Assist with Demolishing(解体):

Cody can help to demolish windows/downgrade various types of benches.(窓の解体や、各種作業台のダウングレード)

  • Cody learns to demolish facilities 3 times

Demolish: Facilities

Cody can demolish windows/downgrade various types of benches.(窓の解体や、各種作業台のダウングレード)

  • Cody helps in the demolition of facilities 5 times



Discovery: Open

Cody can open loot spots.

  • Cody learns to open scrap pile 1 times

Discovery: Unlock

Cody can unlock locked items.

  • Cody opens scrap pile 3 times
  • Cody learns to unlock 3 times

Discovery: Search

Cody can find hidden items in corners and hidden areas.

  • Cody unlocks 6 times

Discovery: Loot

Cody can loot defeated enemies.

  • Cody finds hidden objects 3 times

Discovery: herb

Cody can find herbs.

  • Cody gathers 12 plants(植物)
  • Cody finds hidden objects 6 times


Gather: Plants

Cody can collect plants.

  • Cody learns to gather plants 12 times

Gather: Trees

Cody can collect timber from trees.

  • Cody learns to break branches 50 times

Gather: Water

Cody can gather water.

  • Cody learns to fetch water 3 times

Gather: Gasoline

Cody can collect gasoline from broken-down cars.(車からガソリンを抜く)

  • Cody learns to retrieve gasoline 6 times
  • Cody fetches water 24 times

Gather: Car

Cody can dismantle parts from scavengeable broken-down cars.(車の解体)

  • Cody learns to dismantle scavengeable broken-down cars 30 times

Fish & Hunt

Fish & Hunt: Bait

Cody can place bait and harvest at fishing net.(釣り網)

  • Cody learns to place bait (fishing net) 3 times

Fish & Hunt: Fishing

Cody can fish.

  • Cody places bait (fishing net) 3 times

Fish & Hunt: Trap

Cody can set traps.

  • Cody fetches triggered simple traps or bear traps 3 times

Fish & Hunt: Skin

Cody can skin animals.(動物の皮を剥ぐ → 肉の入手)

  • Cody learns to skin a rabbit(ウサギ) 5 times
  • Cody learns to skin a crow(カラス) 5 times

Fish & Hunt: Flush

Cody can flush rabbit holes to get rabbits out.(ウサギの巣穴に水を流してあぶり出す)

  • Cody fetches water 3 times

Fish & Hunt: Rabbit hole

Cody can discover rabbit holes.(ウサギの巣穴を発見する)

  • Cody skins animals 15 times
  • Anling tells Cody stories(本の読み聞かせ?) 2 times


Farm: Loosening (スコップで土を耕す)

Cody can loosen soil.

  • Cody learns to loosen soil 5 times

Farm: Plant (種を植える)

Cody can plant crops.

  • Cody learns to grow crops 12 times

Farm: Watering (作物に水を与える)

Cody can water plants.

  • Cody learns to water crops 3 times

Farm: Harvest (収穫)

Cody can harvest crops.

  • Cody learns to harvest crops 6 times
  • Cody gathers 10 plants


Travel: Shortcut

Travelling between locations will consume half of the time. (ロケーション移動にかかる時間が半分になる)

  • (未開放のため不明)



Tactic: Sneak (隠密)

Cody can sneak.

  • 4 locations unlocked

Tactic: Stealth

Cody is able to attack while in stealth and not be detected. (発見されることなく、隠密中に攻撃できる。)

  • Cody hunts 20 animals
  • Cody attacks enemies 100 times
  • Anling plays a tune(曲の演奏) for Cody 2 times

Tactic: Stealth Attack

If performed undetected it will paralyze the enemy. (気づかれていない状態で攻撃すると麻痺させる)

  • Cody defeats 15 enemies
  • Cody deals damage to trees 30 times
  • Cody's time in stealth reaches 12 hours (隠密)

Tactic: Pressure Point

Cody's attack will reveal an enemy's weaken point in the target, causing the next blow to do more damage. (コーディーの攻撃により敵の弱点が明らかになり、次の攻撃のダメージが増える)

  • Cody destroys 50 destructibles(破壊可能なもの)
  • Cody shoot 6 times at an enemy that has caught Anling. (アンリンを掴んでいる敵を撃つ)


Stress: Endure

Cody's endurance while stressed will double. (ストレス耐性アップ)

  • Cody's time spent hiding reaches 3 hours (隠密)
  • Cody spends 6 hours at home alone (留守番)

Stress: Calm

Cody won't gain any stress until he is detected by an enemy. (敵に発見されるまではストレスが増えない)

  • Cody's time in stealth reaches 6 hours (隠密)

Stress: Shout

Cody can shout to gain enemy's attention. (叫んで敵の注意をひく)

  • Traps placed are triggered 15 times (罠の起動)


Shooting: Target Practice

Cody can practice shooting with the target.

  • Cody witnesses Anling defeat 1 enemies

Shooting: Destroy

Cody can attack destructible(破壊可能なもの) items (boxes, trash bins, trees, cars, boards, etc.)

  • Cody hits 3 shots in target practice

Shooting: Hunt

Cody can attack animals.

  • Cody destroys 6 destructibles(破壊可能なもの)

Shooting: Skilled

Cody engage in combat with his slingshot. (戦闘に参加する)

  • Cody hunts 10 animals
  • Cody witnesses Anling defeat 15 enemies

Shooting: Aim

Cody has a possibility of 30% of getting a critical hit when using the slingshot. (30%の確率でクリティカルヒットする)

  • Cody shoot 3 times at an enemy that has caught Anling (アンリンを掴んでいる敵を撃つ)

Shooting: Sharp Shooter

All of Cody's shots will be accurate without the need of aiming while Cody is playable. (コーディーのショットは正確で狙う必要なし=オートエイム?)

  • Cody defeats 30 enemies

Shooting: Rapid Shot

Cody can shoot two projectiles a time, causing two hits while consuming only one projectile. (弾1発消費で、2発発射する=単純にダメージ2倍ってこと?)

  • (未開放のため不明)


Ammo: Equip

Cody can equip all variety of available projectiles. (全ての弾を装備できる)

  • Cody attacks (any target) 150 times

Ammo: Load

Cody reloads faster. (弾のリロードが速い)

  • Number of ammo consumed by Cody reaches 60 (弾の消費)



  • Craft: Slingshot - スリングショットの作成 (スリングショット)
  • Discovery: herb - ハーブ発見 ※初期スキル出現未確認
  • Gather: Trees - 木の採集 (木の枝)
  • Gather: Car - 車の解体 (車からハテナ)
  • Fish & Hunt: Fishing - 釣り (魚)
  • Tactic: Stealth - 隠密攻撃 ※初期スキル出現未確認
  • Tactic: Stealth Attack - 隠密攻撃で麻痺 ※初期スキル出現未確認
  • Tactic: Pressure Point - ダメージアップデバフ ※初期スキル出現未確認